I hereby seek permission to conversate in english because I don't know russian and I am one of the hive's modellers that's not very satisfied with the fact that our models are uploaded here.

А если удалить их модели - их имена и вовсе останутся не значимыми. Если же наоборот модели с их именами будут встречаться на сайте чаще, не сделает ли это их имена более значимыми и уважаемыми и среди наших пользователей, и как следует из ваших слов, устранит причину недовольства? Нету ли здесь логического противоречия?

I see what you mean (google translator) and you're partially right. But the thing is, we made these models to make the hive bigger, more popular etc... But just taking our models and putting them here ... isn't that a bit unfair? Understand? But that's not the main reason ofcourse (because if it was, it'd be a sucky reason).The people here who used our models in their projects do not know who we are... Usually, when a person looks at our models and he thinks it looks good and he's going to use it in his map, he takes a look at our other models ... just because they might find something equally good. He'd look at our models and he'd say "awesome". He'd remember our names ... he'd be tempted to give us credits in their maps. While when they download it here, They'll forget us right away and may find it unecessairy to give credits or w/e. BUT if you link to the hiveworkshop.com next to my models, I give you permission to keep them here. Because all I really want to do is make my second home more popular and there, he'd still be able to look at my other models.
I hope we don't have to start some sort of flamewars here and I hope you can understand why I don't like it that my model is uploaded here, just like that.
I appologize if I broke any rule by speaking English.