1. Установить JASS NewGen Pack.
2. Если у вас нет меню "cJass", скачать AdicHelper и поставить его сверху на JNGP.
3. Скачать, собственно, саму библиотеку и закинуть ее в папку ...\jassnewgenpack5d\AdicHelper\lib\
4. В своей карте написать в нестандартном коде: include "ALL.j"
5. Забыть об утечках.
Результат - такое действие, как, например, "Боевая единица - Move (Triggering unit) to ((Position of (Target unit of ability being cast)) offset by 200.00 towards (Angle from (Position of (Triggering unit)) to (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))) degrees)" не будет оставлять утечных точек.
Если же Вам нужно, к примеру, занести точку в переменную для дальнейшей работы с ней, перед этим действием нужно прописать Личным сценарием (Custom script): ALL_Remove = false, а после него - ALL_Remove = true.
Однако повторюсь, лучше использовать JASS, ведь вручную можно сделать все гораздо лучше.
#guard Anti_Leak_Library
library ALL {
native integer GetPlayerUnitTypeCount(player p, integer unitid)
//Убираем конфликты с AntiBJ base
setdef GetPlayerStartLocationLoc(p) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetStartLocation##Loc(GetPlayerStartLocation(p)))
setdef GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(r, l) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, null))
setdef GetUnitsInRectAll(r) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null))
setdef GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, null))
setdef LoadLocationHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_RemoveLocation(LoadLocation##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadRectHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_RemoveRect(LoadRect##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadGroupHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_DestroyGroup(LoadGroup##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadForceHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_DestroyForce(LoadForce##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef <call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = call ALL_AddSpecialEffectLocBJ(l, s)
setdef <call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = call ALL_AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ(a, w, s)
//Области, созданные в функции CreateRegions, не будут прогоняться через RemoveRect
setdef Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = ALL_RemoveRect(Re##ct(minX, minY, maxX, maxY))
define {
<InitCustomTriggers()> = { InitCustom##Triggers(); ALL_Remove = true }
GetPlayerStartLocationLoc(p) = GetStartLocationLoc(GetPlayerStartLocation(p))
GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(r, l) = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, null)
GetUnitsInRectAll(r) = GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null)
GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(p) = GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, null)
LoadLocationHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadLocationHandle(h, b, a)
LoadRectHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadRectHandle(h, b, a)
LoadGroupHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadGroupHandle(h, b, a)
LoadForceHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadForceHandle(h, b, a)
<call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l)
<call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(a, w, s)
<GetCameraEyePositionLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetCameraEyePosition##Loc())
<GetCameraTargetPositionLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetCameraTargetPosition##Loc())
GetDestructableLoc(d) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_GetWidgetLoc(d))
GetItemLoc(i) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_GetWidgetLoc(i))
<GetOrderPointLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetOrderPoint##Loc())
GetRandomLocInRect(r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetRandom##LocInRect(r))
GetRectCenter(r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetRect##Center(r))
<GetSpellTargetLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetSpellTarget##Loc())
GetStartLocationLoc(i) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetStartLocation##Loc(i))
GetUnitLoc(u) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetUnit##Loc(u))
Location(x, y) = ALL_RemoveLocation(Loc##ation(x, y))
MeleeGetLocWithinRect(l, r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_MeleeGetLocWithinRect(l, r))
MeleeGetProjectedLoc(l, targ, dist, a) = ALL_RemoveLocation(MeleeGet##ProjectedLoc(l, targ, dist, a))
OffsetLocation(l, x, y) = ALL_RemoveLocation(OffsetLoc##ation(l, x, y))
PolarProjectionBJ(l, r, a) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_PolarProjectionBJ(l, r, a))
WaygateGetDestinationLocBJ(u) = ALL_RemoveLocation(Waygate##GetDestinationLocBJ(u))
GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, r) = ALL_RemoveRect(ALL_RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, r, .0, false))
OffsetRectBJ(r, x, y) = ALL_RemoveRect(OffsetRect##BJ(r, x, y))
Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = Re##ct(minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
RectFromCenterSizeBJ(l, width, heigth) = ALL_RemoveRect(ALL_RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, width, heigth, true))
RectFromLoc(min, max) = ALL_RemoveRect(RectFrom##Loc(min, max))
CountLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId(id, p) = GetPlayerUnitTypeCount(p, id)
GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, b))
GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, b))
GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(r, p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(r, p))
GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(p, id) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(p, id))
GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, b))
GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll(id) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll(id))
GetUnitsSelectedAll(p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsSelectedAll(p))
GetForceOfPlayer(p) = ALL_GetForceOfPlayer(p)
GetPlayersAllies(p) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersAllies(p))
GetPlayersByMapControl(mc) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersByMapControl(mc))
GetPlayersEnemies(p) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersEnemies(p))
GetPlayersMatching(b) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersMatching(b))
<call ALL_AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = {
if ALL_Remove {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = null
DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l))
} else {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l)
<call ALL_AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = {
if ALL_Remove {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = null
DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(s, w, a))
} else {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(s, w, a)
private integer CurVar = 0
private integer MaxVar = 0
private group Group
private force Force
private timer array Timer
private integer array LeakNum
private location array LocationVar
private rect array RectVar
private group array GroupVar
private force array ForceVar
public boolean Remove = false
private nothing RemoveLeak() {
handle h = GetExpiredTimer()
integer i = 0
whilenot h == Timer[i++] { }
if i:LeakNum < 2 {
if i:LeakNum < 1 {
} else {
} elseif i:LeakNum < 3 {
} else {
h = null
public rect RemoveRect(rect leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:RectVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 1
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public rect RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(location l, real width, real height, boolean b) {
real x = GetLocationX(l), y = GetLocationY(l)
if b {
width = width * .5
height = height * .5
return Re##ct(x - width, y - height, x + width, y + height)
return Re##ct(x - width, y - width, x + width, y + width)
public location RemoveLocation(location leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:LocationVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 0
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public location GetWidgetLoc(widget w) {
return Loc##ation(GetWidgetX(w), GetWidgetY(w))
public location PolarProjection##BJ(location l, real r, real a) {
a = a * .0174532925166
return Loc##ation(GetLocationX(l) + Cos(a) * r, GetLocationY(l) + Sin(a) * r)
public location MeleeGetLoc##WithinRect(location l, rect r) {
real minX = GetRectMinX(r), maxX = GetRectMaxX(r), \
minY = GetRectMinY(r), maxY = GetRectMaxY(r), \
x = GetLocationX(l), y = GetLocationY(l)
if x < minX {
x = minX
} elseif x > maxX {
x = maxX
if y < minY {
return Loc##ation(x, minY)
} elseif y > maxY {
return Loc##ation(x, maxY)
return Loc##ation(x, y)
public group DestroyGroup(group leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:GroupVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 2
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public group GetUnitsInRange##OfLocMatching(real r, location l, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(Group, l, r, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsInRect##Matching(rect r, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(Group, r, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsInRect##OfPlayer(rect r, player p) {
Group = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer = p
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(Group, r, filterGetUnitsInRectOfPlayer)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfPlayer##Matching(player p, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(Group, p, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfPlayer##AndTypeId(player p, integer id) {
Group = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(Group, p, filterGetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfTypeId##All(integer id) {
group g = CreateGroup()
integer i = 0
bj_groupAddGroupDest = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
do {
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, Player(i), filterGetUnitsOfTypeIdAll)
ForGroup(g, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
exitwhen i == 15
g = null
return bj_groupAddGroupDest
public group GetUnits##SelectedAll(player p) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsSelected(Group, p, null)
return Group
public force DestroyForce(force leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:ForceVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 3
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public force GetForce##OfPlayer(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceAddPlayer(Force, p)
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersAllies(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumAllies(Force, p, null)
return Force
public force GetPlayersByMap##Control(mapcontrol mc) {
player p = Player(0)
integer i = 0
Force = CreateForce()
do {
if GetPlayerController(p) == mc {
ForceAddPlayer(Force, p)
exitwhen i == 15
p = Player(++i)
p = null
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersEnemies(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumEnemies(Force, p, null)
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersMatching(boolexpr b) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumPlayers(Force, b)
return Force
library ALL {
native integer GetPlayerUnitTypeCount(player p, integer unitid)
//Убираем конфликты с AntiBJ base
setdef GetPlayerStartLocationLoc(p) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetStartLocation##Loc(GetPlayerStartLocation(p)))
setdef GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(r, l) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, null))
setdef GetUnitsInRectAll(r) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null))
setdef GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, null))
setdef LoadLocationHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_RemoveLocation(LoadLocation##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadRectHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_RemoveRect(LoadRect##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadGroupHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_DestroyGroup(LoadGroup##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef LoadForceHandleBJ(childKey, parentKey, table) = ALL_DestroyForce(LoadForce##Handle(table, parentKey, childKey))
setdef <call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = call ALL_AddSpecialEffectLocBJ(l, s)
setdef <call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = call ALL_AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ(a, w, s)
//Области, созданные в функции CreateRegions, не будут прогоняться через RemoveRect
setdef Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = ALL_RemoveRect(Re##ct(minX, minY, maxX, maxY))
define {
<InitCustomTriggers()> = { InitCustom##Triggers(); ALL_Remove = true }
GetPlayerStartLocationLoc(p) = GetStartLocationLoc(GetPlayerStartLocation(p))
GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(r, l) = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, null)
GetUnitsInRectAll(r) = GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, null)
GetUnitsOfPlayerAll(p) = GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, null)
LoadLocationHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadLocationHandle(h, b, a)
LoadRectHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadRectHandle(h, b, a)
LoadGroupHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadGroupHandle(h, b, a)
LoadForceHandleBJ(a, b, h) = LoadForceHandle(h, b, a)
<call AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l)
<call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(a, w, s)
<GetCameraEyePositionLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetCameraEyePosition##Loc())
<GetCameraTargetPositionLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetCameraTargetPosition##Loc())
GetDestructableLoc(d) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_GetWidgetLoc(d))
GetItemLoc(i) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_GetWidgetLoc(i))
<GetOrderPointLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetOrderPoint##Loc())
GetRandomLocInRect(r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetRandom##LocInRect(r))
GetRectCenter(r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetRect##Center(r))
<GetSpellTargetLoc()> = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetSpellTarget##Loc())
GetStartLocationLoc(i) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetStartLocation##Loc(i))
GetUnitLoc(u) = ALL_RemoveLocation(GetUnit##Loc(u))
Location(x, y) = ALL_RemoveLocation(Loc##ation(x, y))
MeleeGetLocWithinRect(l, r) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_MeleeGetLocWithinRect(l, r))
MeleeGetProjectedLoc(l, targ, dist, a) = ALL_RemoveLocation(MeleeGet##ProjectedLoc(l, targ, dist, a))
OffsetLocation(l, x, y) = ALL_RemoveLocation(OffsetLoc##ation(l, x, y))
PolarProjectionBJ(l, r, a) = ALL_RemoveLocation(ALL_PolarProjectionBJ(l, r, a))
WaygateGetDestinationLocBJ(u) = ALL_RemoveLocation(Waygate##GetDestinationLocBJ(u))
GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, r) = ALL_RemoveRect(ALL_RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, r, .0, false))
OffsetRectBJ(r, x, y) = ALL_RemoveRect(OffsetRect##BJ(r, x, y))
Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = Re##ct(minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
RectFromCenterSizeBJ(l, width, heigth) = ALL_RemoveRect(ALL_RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(l, width, heigth, true))
RectFromLoc(min, max) = ALL_RemoveRect(RectFrom##Loc(min, max))
CountLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId(id, p) = GetPlayerUnitTypeCount(p, id)
GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(r, l, b))
GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectMatching(r, b))
GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(r, p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(r, p))
GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(p, id) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(p, id))
GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, b) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching(p, b))
GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll(id) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsOfTypeIdAll(id))
GetUnitsSelectedAll(p) = ALL_DestroyGroup(ALL_GetUnitsSelectedAll(p))
GetForceOfPlayer(p) = ALL_GetForceOfPlayer(p)
GetPlayersAllies(p) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersAllies(p))
GetPlayersByMapControl(mc) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersByMapControl(mc))
GetPlayersEnemies(p) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersEnemies(p))
GetPlayersMatching(b) = ALL_DestroyForce(ALL_GetPlayersMatching(b))
<call ALL_AddSpecialEffectLocBJ>(l, s) = {
if ALL_Remove {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = null
DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l))
} else {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(s, l)
<call ALL_AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ>(a, w, s) = {
if ALL_Remove {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = null
DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(s, w, a))
} else {
bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(s, w, a)
private integer CurVar = 0
private integer MaxVar = 0
private group Group
private force Force
private timer array Timer
private integer array LeakNum
private location array LocationVar
private rect array RectVar
private group array GroupVar
private force array ForceVar
public boolean Remove = false
private nothing RemoveLeak() {
handle h = GetExpiredTimer()
integer i = 0
whilenot h == Timer[i++] { }
if i:LeakNum < 2 {
if i:LeakNum < 1 {
} else {
} elseif i:LeakNum < 3 {
} else {
h = null
public rect RemoveRect(rect leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:RectVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 1
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public rect RectFromCenterSizeBJ_GetRectFromCircleBJ(location l, real width, real height, boolean b) {
real x = GetLocationX(l), y = GetLocationY(l)
if b {
width = width * .5
height = height * .5
return Re##ct(x - width, y - height, x + width, y + height)
return Re##ct(x - width, y - width, x + width, y + width)
public location RemoveLocation(location leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:LocationVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 0
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public location GetWidgetLoc(widget w) {
return Loc##ation(GetWidgetX(w), GetWidgetY(w))
public location PolarProjection##BJ(location l, real r, real a) {
a = a * .0174532925166
return Loc##ation(GetLocationX(l) + Cos(a) * r, GetLocationY(l) + Sin(a) * r)
public location MeleeGetLoc##WithinRect(location l, rect r) {
real minX = GetRectMinX(r), maxX = GetRectMaxX(r), \
minY = GetRectMinY(r), maxY = GetRectMaxY(r), \
x = GetLocationX(l), y = GetLocationY(l)
if x < minX {
x = minX
} elseif x > maxX {
x = maxX
if y < minY {
return Loc##ation(x, minY)
} elseif y > maxY {
return Loc##ation(x, maxY)
return Loc##ation(x, y)
public group DestroyGroup(group leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:GroupVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 2
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public group GetUnitsInRange##OfLocMatching(real r, location l, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(Group, l, r, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsInRect##Matching(rect r, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(Group, r, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsInRect##OfPlayer(rect r, player p) {
Group = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer = p
GroupEnumUnitsInRect(Group, r, filterGetUnitsInRectOfPlayer)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfPlayer##Matching(player p, boolexpr b) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(Group, p, b)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfPlayer##AndTypeId(player p, integer id) {
Group = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(Group, p, filterGetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId)
return Group
public group GetUnitsOfTypeId##All(integer id) {
group g = CreateGroup()
integer i = 0
bj_groupAddGroupDest = CreateGroup()
bj_groupEnumTypeId = id
do {
GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(g, Player(i), filterGetUnitsOfTypeIdAll)
ForGroup(g, function GroupAddGroupEnum)
exitwhen i == 15
g = null
return bj_groupAddGroupDest
public group GetUnits##SelectedAll(player p) {
Group = CreateGroup()
GroupEnumUnitsSelected(Group, p, null)
return Group
public force DestroyForce(force leak) {
if Remove {
if CurVar >= MaxVar {
CurVar:Timer = CreateTimer()
CurVar:ForceVar = leak
CurVar:LeakNum = 3
TimerStart(Timer[CurVar++], .0, false, function RemoveLeak)
return leak
public force GetForce##OfPlayer(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceAddPlayer(Force, p)
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersAllies(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumAllies(Force, p, null)
return Force
public force GetPlayersByMap##Control(mapcontrol mc) {
player p = Player(0)
integer i = 0
Force = CreateForce()
do {
if GetPlayerController(p) == mc {
ForceAddPlayer(Force, p)
exitwhen i == 15
p = Player(++i)
p = null
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersEnemies(player p) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumEnemies(Force, p, null)
return Force
public force GetPlay##ersMatching(boolexpr b) {
Force = CreateForce()
ForceEnumPlayers(Force, b)
return Force